PR3037 - O Chamado Abissal (Digital)

Terranos no santuário de uma galáxia – ele é o segredo dos phersunenses. Mais de 3.000 ...

R$ 14,20
PR2740 - Garras Sobre o Galacticum (Digital)

A morte chega ao sistema Halo – os pos-bis intervêm. Desde que a Humanidade partiu para...

R$ 14,20
PR1191 - No Reino das Sombras dos Yos (Digital)

O armeiro e o almirante – sob o feitiço do Loolandre. Voltamos ao mês de maio do ano 42...

R$ 14,20
PRÉ-VENDA - PR3037 - O Chamado Abissal (Impresso)

Observação: Antes de efetuar a compra deste volume, certifique-se de ter lido e entendido ...

R$ 35,90 R$ 31,90
PRÉ-VENDA - PR2740 - Garras Sobre o Galacticum (Impresso)

Observação: Antes de efetuar a compra deste volume, certifique-se de ter lido e entendido ...

R$ 37,90 R$ 33,90
PRÉ-VENDA - PR1191 - No Reino das Sombras dos Yos (Impresso)

Observação: Antes de efetuar a compra deste volume, certifique-se de ter lido e entendido ...

R$ 35,90 R$ 31,90
Assinatura Digital Perry Rhodan e Atlan Completa - 18 Volumes - Previsão Trimestral - Início 05/08/2024

Assinatura dos volumes digitais da edição brasileira das séries Perry Rhodan e Atlan com r...

R$ 259,60
Assinatura Digital Somente Perry Rhodan - 17 Volumes - Previsão Trimestral - Início 05/08/2024

Assinatura dos volumes digitais da edição brasileira somente da série Perry Rhodan com rec...

R$ 240,80

How to Order (International Purchases)

Customers from countries other than Brazil can also order digital or printed books from our edition of PERRY RHODAN and ATLAN! To purchase our issues, follow the steps below. Although the script is long, the process itself is not complicated, and is easy to get used to after the first few purchases:
- If you haven't registered in the SSPG online store yet, create your account in the store through the link available in the upper right corner of the main page of the site, in the text "cadastre-se".
- The fields presented in the registration page have the following meanings:
* Nome: First name.
* Sobrenome: Surname. 
* Telefone: Phone number.
* Tipo de Cliente: Customer category. Please leave as "Pessoa Física".
* Gênero: Gender.
* CPF: Personal registration number in your country, such as ID card.
* Data de Nascimento: Birth date.
Telefone Comercial: Business phone number.
Telefone Celular: Mobile phone number.
E-mail Adicional (1): Additional e-mail address.
E-mail Adicional (2): Additional e-mail address.
Profissão: Profession.
Estado Civil: Marital status: Solteiro = Single; Casado = Married; Separado = Separated; Divorciado = Divorced; Viúvo = Widowed.
Empresa: Company you work for.
IE ou RG: Additional personal registration number in your country, if available.
* Endereço, número: Residential address with house number.
Bairro: District.
* Cidade: City.
* CEP: Zip code.
* País: Country.
* Estado: Federal state or province.
* Senha: Password.
* Repetir Senha: Repeat password for confirmation.
Assinar Informativo: : Check "Sim" to receive newsletter form ou ronlien storre about new releases, or "Não" for no.
- Fields beginning with * are mandatory.
- After creating the account, log in using the link in the text "Acesse sua conta", on the top right side of the page.
- After logging into your store account, you can show prices in Euro, Sterling pounds or US Dollar by clicking on the corersponding symbol at the lable "Moeda" ("Currency") at the top of the page.
- Click on the item "Volumes Digitais" (for digital issues) or "Volumes Impressos" (for printed books) on the main menu (the gray bar at the top of the page), depending on the format you want.
- Then click on the corresponding option of the desired cycle as follows:
Ciclo "A Terceira Potência" = "Die Dritte Macht" Zyklus
Ciclo "O Enxame" = "Der Schwarm" Zyklus
Ciclo "Os Antigos Mutantes" = "Die Altmutanten" Zyklus
Ciclo "Xadrez Cósmico" = "Das Kosmische Schachspiel" Zyklus
Ciclo "O Concílio" = "Das Konzil" Zyklus
Ciclo "Afilia" = "Aphilie" Zyklus
Ciclo "Bardioc" = "Bardioc" Zyklus
Ciclo "Pan-Thau-Ra" = "PAN-THAU-RA" Zyklus
Ciclo "Os Castelos Cósmicos" = "Die Kosmischen Burgen" Zyklus
Ciclo "A Hansa Cósmica" = "Die Kosmische Hanse" Zyklus
Ciclo "A Armada Infinita" = "Die Endlose Armada" Zyklus
Ciclo "Os Tolkandenses" = "Die Tolkander" Zyklus
Ciclo "O Tribunal Atópico" = "Das Atopische Tribunal" Zyklus
Ciclo "Mito" = "Mythos" Zyklus
Pacotes de Ciclos = Packages of cycles with multiple issues.
- A page will appear with information about the chosen cycle and the list of issues available in it.
- This page presents only 10 issues at a time, to avoid it becoming too long, but it is possible to access the pages of the following issues through the navigation options just below the list of issues, through the links "1 2 > >|".
- Click the "Comprar" button ONCE for each desired volume. You can also click on the title of the desired volume to access the information page for that volume.
- After selecting all the desired issues, click on the link "Finalizar Pedido" ("Checkout") option at the top of the page.
- Follow the steps on the next page titled "Finalizar Compra" ("Finish Purchase") as follows:
- "2º Passo: Endereço para cobrança" ("2nd. Step: Billing address"): Select your address for billing purposes. Don't worry, you will not receive any billing invoice at your address, it's just for the store records.
- Click on the blue button "Continuar" ("Go on").
- "3º Passo: Endereço para entrega" ("3rd. Step: Shipping address"): This option only appears if you purchased printed books. Select the address to where we should dispatch your package.
- Click on the blue button "Continuar" ("Go on").
- "4º Passo: Forma de entrega" ("4th. Step: Shipping method"): This option only appears if you purchased printed books. At this moment, only "International: Postal Service Standard Shipping" is available. NOTE: if a message appears in a red frame at this point, please contact us by e-mail at for assistance.
- Click on the blue button "Continuar" ("Go on").
- "5º Passo: Forma de pagamento" ("5th Step: Payment method"): For international purchases, the recommended option ids "Cartão de Crédito / Saldo (via PayPal)" ("Credit Card / Balance (via PayPal)"). If bt any chance your have access to a banking account in Brazil, or want to make an international money transfer, you can also select "Depósito / Transferência Bancária / DOC / TED / PIX" ("Deposit / Bank Transfer"). For international money transfer, please contact us by e-mail at so we can provide the transfer data and further instructions.
- Check the box labeled "Li e concordo com os Termos e Condições" ("I have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions"), and click on the "Continuar" button.
- In the case of payment via bank transfer, after the payment steps, click on the blue button "Confirmar Pedido" ("Confirm Order") at the bottom of the page to close the purchase process and thus receive the order confirmation e-mail.
- Then, depending on the payment option selected, the store will automatically redirect you to the PayPal payment page or will show the instructions for making the bank deposit.
- For payment via credit card, don't worry: the payment is made in a 100% secure and encrypted environment.
- After making the payment and confirming it (immediately for credit card, up to 2 working days for bank transfer), the customer will be able to download the files of the digital issues requested through the link "Meus Downloads" from your account on our online store. For printed books, we'll then arrange the dispatch and inform you the tracking code so you can follow the shipment process.
- In the case of digital issues, to find out how to open and read the files, access the page ("Volumes Digitais > Dicas de Leitura" ("Digital Volumes > Reading Tips") on the website.
- In case you have more doubts, send us a message about it through the Contacts page of the site.
Perry Rhodan Brasil - SSPG Editora.
PERRY RHODAN© is a registered trademark by Pabel-Moewig Verlag KG, Rastatt, Germany.
Copyright © 2001,2019 Star Sistemas e Projetos Gráficos Ltda., Brasil.
Perry Rhodan Brasil - SSPG Editora © 2024